What is ItsyCycle?

Origin In 2021, the founder became the mother of her daughter Giselle. During her pregnancy she discovered how overwhelming the choice of baby products can be, because you want the best for your child. With a four-month-old baby, Chesley started her thesis, which she was allowed to do within her own company. This led to a deeper search into why she wants to give every child a good start. Parenting is a journey, regardless of your background or financial situation. With ItsyCycle, Chesley wants to help parents make product choices and provide information that contributes to a good start for their child.

ItsyCycle starts with the Mommy's Pregnancy Countdown Box, but has the ambition to become the number 1 platform in the Netherlands where parents go for a good start for their child.

We are still developing the box and greatly appreciate constructive feedback to make this concept a success.

How does the concept work?

With the Mommy's Pregnancy Countdown Box you can open a gift every week from weeks 37 to 40 (small box) or weeks 35 to 40 (large box). Each week you will find a card with a motivating text for the mother and a fact about the baby. This way, the mother gets extra strength from the motivational text and also learns about the baby growing in her belly.